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Triumph Trading Disclaimer

Adverts for "Cars", "Parts", "Other", "Wanted", "Swap" and "Free"
on this webpage are provided as a service for members of the Triumph Car Club of Victoria Inc. (TCCV), guests and visitors to our website.

TCCV is not in any way responsible for, and makes no warranty with respect to the:

  • pricing
  • originality
  • appropriateness
  • quality
  • merchantability
  • serviceability
  • description, or
  • any other imagined criteria by which the items can be judged
of any of the items that may be offered for sale on this site.

This service is provided solely to facilitate contact between Triumph enthusiasts in the buying, selling, exchanging or donating of Triumph car-related goods.
The use of this site shall create no liability or responsibility to TCCV, or upon its Office Bearers or Committee Members.

Sellers, PLEASE be warned that spammers may visit this site, making false inquiries about advertised or "Wanted" goods.
You are advised NEVER to give your bank details to anyone you do not know during negotiations.